The Impact Of Website Assessments On Lead Generation

The Impact Of Website Assessments On Lead Generation

Today, people are avid website scrollers more than readers. If it isn’t fast, it’s not worth it, right? Today, we discuss the impact of website assessments on lead generation.  

If a website is fast and opens efficiently, it musters a lot more site traffic. People don’t like waiting these days, especially with phones and laptops that are worth fortunes.  

Several online assessment tools have been made to test and gauge websites. They help to measure the speed the web page provides to the viewers. Sometimes due to plug-ins or complex inputs, the websites tend to operate at a slower speed.  

There are a lot of options when it comes to running speed tests to check performance. We have Pagespeed from Google, Pingdom, GTMetrix, etc. 

These tools rely on grading systems and scores, along with warnings of what might be wrong on your site. They can help you not just increase your scores, but also the performance of your site, which is what really matters. 

Bounce Rate

There may be times when a visitor visits your website but leaves without taking any action due to a user-unfriendly experience or longer wait times. You need to fix those issues fast because these tools will ding your website if you don’t. 

Google PageSpeed insights might be misleading

If you run the tests on a laptop or desktop, the results will only be tailored for desktop or laptop users. These devices usually have a better internet connection and will therefore generate a higher score.  

If the test is run on a mobile device, the results will be far less compelling for the same website due to slower connectivity as compared to the former. The desktop score could be in the high 90’s while the mobile version shows just 50% or 60%. 

Deep dive into why GTMetrix is more reliable

This is a preferred model if you’re only trying to check if the website has the utility that you desire, in a real-world model. 

GT Metrix has different load tests for different types of devices. If you are on a paid plan, you can run the mobile speed test on a device that is being throttled and has limited internet speeds and see where it scores. It will most likely be very close to the Google one. 

Then test the network speeds where your website serves its customers and see the difference. Your website will store cache in some browsers and the first test is not a good metric to work from. Run 3 times in a row for the best score. 

Will this affect lead generation?

Site speed and website traffic are key to e-commerce success. It directly influences your conversion rates, repeat business, and search engine rankings. And with recent changes to Google Search ranking, a fast load speed for your website is even more important as a competitive edge. 

Google claims that websites that score a higher score will have a better SEO experience than those that don’t score a good total. Now, SEO affects your entire business ecosystem in more than one way. The websites that have been optimized as per Pagespeed insights have seen a month-on-month increase in traffic and sales according to several case studies run by google and tech experts.  

Recent projects for website optimization

Recently, keeping the web core vitals, for two of our clients, AlPargata Uris and Kyma, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of their website’s technical aspects using these online tools, and implemented optimizations. For example; compression of images, caching and code minification were some of the optimizations made to improve the speed and usability of their websites. As a result, the overall performance score on both GTMetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights increased significantly. 
